Sunday, August 17, 2008



Stolen anything from a store
Stolen anything from a friend
Lied to a friend
Broken a bone
Received below a B on a report card
Gotten straight A’s
Colored on a wall
Melted crayons to make new colors
Eaten sushi
Been horseback riding
Danced in the rain
Kissed a picture
Wanted to pursue my dreams
Killed a bug
Been to the beach
Been out of the country
Met my grandparents
Moved out of state
Had a Myspace
Read a book longer than 400 pages
Cheated on a test/quiz/research paper
Won a game of BINGO
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend
Wanted a cell phone
Had a close friend move away
Had a prescription
Done illegal drugs
Wanted to slap someone
Fallen in front of a huge crowd
Performed on stage
Watched an R-rated movie
Felt like dying
Been deathly ill
Been suspended
Eaten three or more pounds of candy in one day
Had a sleepover
Ridden a bike
Learned to swim
Been camping
Been labeled as “emo”



I shower every day
It’s cool to watch soap operas
When I get mad, I get really mad
I like to look back at pictures from when I was little
I am a camera whore
I have a garden
I live in an apartment
I like to wash my clothes by hand
I live in a small town
I’ve never been to a farm
I’ve moved three times in my life
My house is huge [slight lang]
Quite a few people consider me a slut
I never study for school
I’m a vegan
If it was legal, I would kill someone right now
I watch the news
When I babysit I actually play with the kids
I watch over five hours of television each day
When I was little I thought boys had cooties
I have had a dream come true
I’m allergic to dogs
Chocolate is my eternal addiction
I don’t like classical music
I love rap
I’ve never had a pet
My favorite animal lives on a farm
I have social anxiety
I make scrapbooks
I like to Google my name to see what comes up
I have had surgery
I have a twin
I can’t seem to get to sleep before 3 A.M.
I like to wear toe socks
I have a sibling ten years younger or older than me
I cry over the stupidest things
I like to have deep conversations
I wish I knew how to analyze my dreams
I have a huge crush on someone, but it’s hard for me to admit it
I try to be energy-efficient
I’m really pale
I often hide my emotions
I ask questions during movies
Band is better than orchestra
I like to say “lol” and “rofl” in real-life conversations
Bugs give me the creeps
I’m a frequent myspace visitor
I have been to at least half the states in the U.S.
I’ve never left the continent
Surveys are a good way to cure boredom

finish the sentence!

finish the sentence!

I feel smart when… i get high grades. duh-er
My neighbors think I’m… conservative. IRONIC RIGHT?
If I could I’d play… the drums.
If I could speak any language, I’d speak… french
My goals are… high standards
I want to be the best at… being myself.
What really annoys me is… stereotypes
I think music is… what makes the world go round
The kind of music I like is… urban. or whatev
I think sports are… optional. haha.
When I get mad… i stay silent
Everyday I… surf the net
When I do something stupid I… laugh at it
The rain makes me feel… comfortable
I’d consider the president to be… er?
When I see my reflection in the mirror I… see my mom
Peace is… what we need
When I keep something hidden it’s because… i want it to stay that way
When someone purposely misspells words, it…. *Blank*
What brings out the best in me is… my principle
I’ve always wondered… how boys move on so easily
I don’t know how to…. xDDDD
My opinion on labeling is… it's crappy.
Vegetarians are… bunnies in human form. KIDDING.
My school is… wonderful
History is… a component of what we are today. *nusblid*
My grades are… devastating.
I care a lot about… my parents. tihee.
If I could make a wish, it would be about… my moving on progress
My favorite vacation was… in hk/macau. 2007 VAC